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Neville Moray (1935-2018)

The fields of psychology, human factors, and cognitive systems engineering have lost another leader who did much to shape the fields that we know today. I was very fortunate to overlap with Neville Moray on the faculty at the University of Illinois. To a large extent, my ideals for what it means to be a professor were shaped by Neville.  From his examples, I learned that curiosity does not stop at the threshold of the experimental laboratory and that training graduate students requires engagement beyond the laboratory and classroom. Neville was able to bridge the gulfs between basic and applied psychology, between science and art, and between work and play - in a way that made us all question why these gulfs existed at all.

More commentary on Neville's life and the impact he had on many in our field can be found on the HFES website


1 thought on “Neville Moray (1935-2018)

  1. Rob

    I had not heard this, John. I had the pleasure of talking to Neville on a couple of occasions at UoI and at Loughborough uni back in the UK. Always happy to engage with students and young colleagues, a real gent and moved the science forward in understanding and designing complex sociotechnical systems. Thanks for sharing this very sad news.


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