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Display and Interface Design

Display and Interface Design: Subtle Science, Exact Art by Kevin Bennett & John Flach

I cannot remember the last time I was so enthusiastic about a book. Am I being overly enthusiastic? This is an area that has troubled me throughout my professional career of 30+ years. We in human factors and, more recently, in cognitive engineering have not done a good job of linking foundational theory to analysis and then following through with a strong conceptualization that connects the analysis to the design. Nor is that done well in allied fields; for example, human–computer interaction and systems engineering. I have read many books on this topic over the years, generally finding something of value but never the systematic and comprehensive treatment that will transition interface design from an art form into a discipline. In this book, I have found what I have been looking for.

Gavan Lintern (2013) Ergonomics and Design