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Not My Last Lecture

As of May 1st I have retired from Wright State University. I accepted an early retirement incentive that was offered due to severe economic conditions at the university. I am not at all ready to retire, but I am eager for a change from WSU.  I hope I still have things to offer and I know there is still much for me to learn.

It was great to see many of my former students at a research celebration that the Department of Psychology hosted in my honor on May 7th. It is amazing to see the work that these former students are doing.  Clearly, I didn't do too much damage!

I am looking forward to the next adventure!  Just waiting for the right door to open.

4 thoughts on “Not My Last Lecture

  1. Rob H

    John, will you be able to keep your address? Sorry I nissed your day before aviation psych symposium! Enjoy the next chapter!!

    1. John Flach

      Thanks Rob! The research celebration was a very nice event. It was great to get an update on the
      work that various students and former mentors are doing. And to answer your question, yes I do expect to keep the
      blog going and to maintain my WSU affiliation as a professor emeritus.

      How is your business going? I could use some pointers on how to survive outside the ivory tower.

  2. Rob H

    John, will you be able to keep your address? Sorry I nissed your day before aviation psych symposium! Enjoy the next chapter!!

    1. John Flach

      Thanks Rob! The research celebration was a very nice event. It was great to get an update on the
      work that various students and former mentors are doing. And to answer your question, yes I do expect to keep the
      blog going and to maintain my WSU affiliation as a professor emeritus.

      How is your business going? I could use some pointers on how to survive outside the ivory tower.


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